
In Part I of The Unwritten Rule Trilogy two friends argue over who rides "shotgun" in this amusing spin on the Star Wars mythos, bringing Jedi Knights into the Present Day and teaching us that the line between the light and dark side of the force is far more blurred than we thought.

3 seconds

The Unlikely Jedi return in Part II of the Unwritten Rule Trilogy, this time arguing over who gets the comfy seat on the sofa.


In Part III of The Unwritten Rule Trilogy Ryan breaks yet another rule and possibly the most important rule of all: never to sleep with a friend's ex girlfriend. Angered by the betrayal Jon pursues Ryan for what could be their final battle! Infuriated by his friends' constant fighting, Michael takes matters into his own hands with the intention of settling matters once and for all.

original kickstarter/indiegogo pitch video

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